
welcome to The Accend Group

About Us

We help businesses of every size realize their untapped potential with our key financial and critical measurement strategies and processes. Using The Accend Group allows you to optimize your business potential more quickly than through traditional models.

The Accend Group offers a new model of financial expertise, breaking the mould by offering CFO strategies to the smallest of companies: strategies that were, until now, only available to the largest of companies. These strategies are in contrast to the traditional CFO's who are often known to say 'no' to growth opportunities because they also pose a measure of risk. At The Accend Group, we don't narrowly focus on just saying 'no' to stay safe, but concentrate on how to say 'YES' by crossing the hurdles and focusing on the benefits and rewards promised by risks.

The Accend Group helps businesses to grow more quickly by helping them to weigh all the business facts - including many that are not often understood by those without a broad base of experience and expertise - and effectively target the clearest path to profits and success.

financial strategies and outsourced accounting services

Cloud CFO

a for-hire CFO that doesn't increase your payroll

CFO Services

we can scale from bookkeeper to full CFO services

Experienced in numerous verticals

From petroleum to computer hardware, software, SaaS we have many experienced staff in almost every verticals.

Effective Solutions

we scale up and down to suit any size business


With The Accend Group, you are only paying for a portion of time, and yet have access to all the expertise as you see appropriate. Our services are scalable up or down, as your business needs change.

Typically, we chart a course that clearly shows how our costs are dwarfed many times by the new profits we identify and help you realize. We help you set goals, identify costs savings, negotiate better sales contracts, and numerous other CFO-related functions. We are experts in predictive forecasting. If we forecast a likely 'what-if' scenario for your company that predicts your company will run out of cash before your current strategies take effect, then years of hard work could be salvaged - not to mention the reality of a big payday in the future.

When you attend any meetings involving bankers, potential investors (both angel and venture capital), customers or potential buyers of your business, having a CFO and our team with credible business acumen on your side can make the difference between success and failure - in essence, you bring somebody that speaks their language and can help represent your interests.. The people with the money always want a feeling of confidence that the execution of your business plan is in good hands.

The Accend Group team has experience successfully negotiating much more favorable terms for its clients with key vendors and service providers like CFO's, bankers and leasing companies - all because of our experience across a broad range of businesses. We know what an audit costs. We know what lease rates for equipment - considering your company's financial position - are appropriate. We know how to negotiate with the largest purchasers of so many products and services to the largest entities in the world.

Ask yourself this: How can the most successful large corporations, with thousands of employees manage multiple business units and still outpace their competition? How can these same successful large corporations often grow revenue and customers and do it all with less employees?

Executing on sound business processes Correct use of technologies Established processes and systems of monitoring the important, day-to-day, week-to-week, and month-to-month cash positive growth, profitability, and milestones for reaching long-term goals If you can systemize your processes and show how a manager can repeat your system, then any potential investor or buyer will more likely have an interest in your company and give you more for it being turn-key and organized. And, perhaps even worse, you are working FOR you business, and your business is not working FOR YOU. The Accend Group assists you working on your business through proven methods:

Assist in the strategic direction of you business for meeting your goals, whatever these may be Show you and your staff how to prioritize and systemize your business processes for reaching your goals Implement simple but sophisticated measurement tools for monitoring the RIGHT metrics that contribute to your goals Implement processes that produce financials statements and other business measurements that provide key insights into the achievement of goals and area of concern and improvement Likely Scenarios to Benefit from Our Services Do you own a growing business with great sales but never have any cash? Where is all your money going?

Do you have an interest in preparing your business for a potential, possibly unknown, buyer? This potential buyer could buy you out entirely, or partially. You deserve a solid return on your years of hard work. You can retire, prepare for a new venture, or take a well-deserved break before changing career paths. Any of these scenarios are much more likely to happen at the highest values if the potential new owner can receive an "owners manual" of policies and procedures and a trusted set of historical records of performance to project what the future can be for the company. What about establishing a fair price for your business, and evaluating any offers for your business? The Accend Group will be your trusted partner through this entire process.

Do you have a great business but find yourself tied so tightly to working for your business that it never allows you a break? Will chaos break loose or employees slack off if you leave for more than two days in a row?

Do you have a great business but want to diversify into something else, but can't afford to lose focus on your existing business?

If any of the above describes your situation, The Accend Group is able to help.

Unique Methods

Quality Services

Excellent result

What is The Accend Group?

Look at any successful fast-growth business and you'll see a good team behind it. The strength of the financial team weights heavily on the success of these businesses. How many times have we heard stories of a fast-growing, apparently profitable business only to later hear the business is in trouble from too much growth too quickly? And yet other businesses somehow make it through this high growth period, many times with much more aggressive growth along the path.

What is the difference? Is it just luck? Not likely. Usually it's the combination of the team understanding how to finance and stage the growth stages as well as knowing how the risks of not hitting plan - either over or under plan - affects the inventories, cash flow, profitability and numerous other key items of importance.

Many business have unrealized potential for growth and profits - often right under their noses - if they could recognize it. There is a difference between moderately successful companies, and those who seem to grab all the press and notoriety, and all the offers from buyers. They are companies that competently wield one of their most powerful weapons - financial strategies and practices that set them ahead of their competitors.

Traditionally, small businesses utilize their CFO for financial direction or advice. Most businesses have limited themselves and they probably didn't even know it. CFO's are wonderful bookkeeping and tax strategists, but are generally limited because of dealing with so many clients that their ability to dig deeply and offer help in implementing growth is often limited by time.

Controllers have more time to help with critical items but generally are found only in medium sized businesses. Controllers offer more experience, but are still focused on watching every dime and getting the most out of every dollar. This is fine for existing cash flow, but what about investment in growth strategies, and other higher-level strategic planning? Controllers are usually out of the budget range for most small and new businesses.

CFOs are usually found at larger businesses, and offer more vision and business acumen, but are usually expensive and can often be out of touch with the latest trends in the industry.

The Accend Group's seasoned staff is available for a fraction of the cost of full time staff, and yet offers the best of each of the CFO, Controller and CFO positions. They see a broad range of situations regularly and offer solid business consulting and financial strategies, as any true business partner would.

Our staff is unique in that, through years of actually starting business themselves, raising money for large and small ventures, and executing on business plans for success, their skills in reading the trends while attending to the basics of finances allows The Accend Group clients to benefit from hands on financial mentoring through the challenges of business.

Newly formed, small, and growing business owners have the same opportunity to apply sound business principles used by large, multi-national companies. Every business can benefit from the experience of The Accend Group:

Small Businesses - get the experience, advice and clarity offered traditionally only to larger companies

Growth Businesses - capitalize on growth opportunities as never before, discover what the right path is to the greatest profitability

New Businesses - Start fast and focused, right out of the shoot. Garner the profits, PR and momentum to turn heads

Stable Businesses with Intent to Sell (or intent to diversify to other businesses or personal interests) - identify your true selling potential and chart a clear and speedy path to the big payday, or re-mould your business to make it work for you - letting you enjoy more time off for fun, or to pursue other business interests

Questions & answers

I use a local bookkeeper or my CFO for accounting needs. Why would I need The Accend Group and its services?
If reaching your goals are important to you, the use of part-time, experienced staff on a more focused basis can significantly improve your chances of success. CFO traditionally do taxes and audits. These are important and The Accend Group actually uses these CFO for their rightful expertise: taxes and audits.

We never look to displace the CFO's core services. On the contrary, we use these trusted partners of yours or recommend from our list for their expertise in providing help in tax strategies and audit compliance. That is their expertise. Our expertise is helping you figure out in detail how, on a day-to-day, very practical basis, your business can reach its goals.


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M-F 8am-6pm MST
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